Daimler AG, the producer of Mercedes Benz cars, uses Free and Open Source software within several of its products. When

Embedded systems software and hardware
Daimler AG, the producer of Mercedes Benz cars, uses Free and Open Source software within several of its products. When
The OpenBMC Project community is coming together with the goal of defining a stack that will work across heterogeneous systems
ACRN™ is a flexible, lightweight reference hypervisor with significant code contributions from Intel® Corporation
I am going to present my talk at the Yocto Project DevDay North America 2018.
Wednesday, March 14 2018 Third day of the EMBEDDED LINUX CONFERENCE 2018 USA #lfelc
Tuesday, March 13 2018 Second day of the EMBEDDED LINUX CONFERENCE 2018 USA #lfelc
Monday, March 12 2018 First day of the EMBEDDED LINUX CONFERENCE 2018 USA #lfelc
Organized from March 12 to 14, 2018 in Portland,OR, the Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) has been the premier vendor-neutral technical conference
Koan software embedded engineering is providing Yocto Project and Linux embedded trainings dedicated to Automotive.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Third day at the Embedded Linux Conference Europe ELCE 2017 #lfelc with many exciting plenary sessions